Upcoming Women in Statistics and Data Science conference on October 25. Find more information about it here!
Women in Math
Upcoming Women in Statistics and Data Science conference on October 25. Find more information about it here! Women in Math (WIM) is an organization at the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP). WIM is dedicated to serving the needs of women mathematicians at UMCP.
Girls Talk Math
Girls Talk Math is a two-week-long day camp that is free for all attendees. The program is available to rising 9th through 12th graders who identify as girls or an under represented gender and are interested in exploring challenging math problems that go beyond the high school curriculum.
The MAPS Research Experience for Undergraduates is an eight-week summer program in which undergraduates investigate open research problems in mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. MAPS is sponsored by a National Science Foundation grant for Research Experience for Undergraduates and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park.
High School Resrouces
How much mathematics is preparation for college is "enough"? There is no single answer, because the need for and importance of preparation varies with career choice. Let's address the question level by level, as it relates to the University of Maryland, College Park